Thursday 5 December 2013

More henchmen and a Lady

A quick update.

I have been traveling around the US, so limited hobby time, but surprising productivity and I had the pleasure to read the Unremembered Empire by Abnett.

The Lady deserves much better photos eventually, but I will paint the henchmen first. These are Von Lochov's private militia and should be heaps of fun to paint. Some green, different metallics, blue details & markings and that worn white armor.

I also have mission objectives in the works that are coming together rather nicely. Trying to capture little moments in space. More about those later.

Monday 18 November 2013

Codex Inquisition - Everything you have been told is true - it's pretty crap.

Sad to say.

I was so excited about the prospect of even the tiniest new tweaks and art - and if the previous Inquisitor Codexes or the Inquisitor rule book were any indicator we were in for some real gems.

Nothing new, some very mediocre art, bad editing... What a missed opportunity. Going to see if I can get a refund.

For a more thorough review, please check out:

Thursday 14 November 2013

Sons of Mars

Fabricator Captain Siimon has received reinforcements from Mars as Rhisienne prepares for war and destiny!

“Praetorians are the absolute elite of  Skitarii (the official term for Mechanicus military forces), augmented with a sophisticated array of bionics and powered suits of armour. The Centurions are heavy battle suit originally built for the Astartes fire support roles, but modified versions were created for the Skitarii and have become the hammer of many Praetorian missions”

“The Legio Cybernetica is a treasured facet of the Mechanicum. Since the great Crusade it has played its role among the noblest Astartes Legion. The Cyclops are incredibly destructive and mission specific robotic shells housing advanced machine-spirits. Cybernetica tech-priests engineer organic-synthetic minds from biological components to work as the neural system of these automatons. Cyclops form the Alfa strike component of the Imperial Minerals’ fighting arm”

Monday 11 November 2013

Revised Legion Armylist and thus models to be expected list.

XX Legion / Rhisienne, M42 
(total points: 1749pts)  

Primary Detachment


Lord Inquisitor Berthold Von Lochov, Cabal Emissary  (count as Inquisitor Coteaz #1 pts:100) 

“Berthold, the formidable off-spring of Terran Nobility cast aside as a child with fearsome psychic potential only to grow into a Lord Inquisitor of incredible magnetism, charisma and intellect, is perhaps the most dangerous man on Rhisienne. Von Lochov is a master strategist who’s worth is best measured in the deep respect he enjoys amongst the Astartes, but several forces beyond humanity hunt for his soul”

Articifier armour, bolt pistol, master-crafted nemesis thunder mace, frag / krak / psyk - grenades, imperial eagle
Independent character, I’ve been expecting you, Psyker (level 2), spy-network, stubborn.
dark excommunication, hammerhand, sanctuary or Divination-, Pyromancy-, Telekinesis-table 
“Ambassador of Rhisienne”

Inquisitor Eleni, Ordo Xenos  (Inquisitor #1 pts:79) 

“Inquisitor Valeria Eleni, former acolyte and discipline of Von Lochov, is what the Ordos call a Radical. The end justifies the means.”

Carapace Armour, Bolt pistol, force sword, frag / krak / psyk / psychotroke - grenades, 3 servo skulls
Independent Character, Psyker Mastery Level 1, Stubborn,


Legionnaires & operatives Jargassor and Ralf (count as purifier squad #10 pts: 295)

“When the God Emperor created his demigod generals and their Legions of super warriors he made them adaptable and all powerful, but he also designed each to perfect an aspect of warfare and to fulfill a unique role fitting to their Primarch’s character. The XX would be the Emperor’s Special Operations Forces, the most independent, secretive, clandestine, unorthodox and creative of all of his Legions.”

power armour, storm bolter, frag / krak / psyk - grenades
2 Falxes (Nemesis Halberds, seargent has one of them)
1 Nemesis Thunder Hammer
4 Psycannons
hammerhand, breath of the hydra
the aegis, brotherhood of the cabal, combat squads, fearless, preferred enemy (daemons) 

Rhino APC (#1 pts:40)
storm bolter, smoke launchers
The Aegis, Psychic Pilot, Fortitude


Emerald Guard, Von Lochov House Militia (count as henchmen warband #10 pts:98)

“The private army of a Noble house with access to Inquisitorial equipment and training from the Astartes, Loyal to the core, experienced and stubbornly fearless.”

6 Warrior Acolytes with bolters 30
- Master Leopold, Warrior Acolyte with storm bolter 8
3 Emerald guard firesupport servitors, 3 plasmacannons 60

Rh PDF Chimera APC (#1 pts:56)
2 Heavy bolters, smoke
amphibious, command vehicle

Stealth Team Damask (count as henchmen warband #4 pts:22)

“Dune Twists are master pathfinders - outcasts whose mutant elders have roamed the great desert for centuries of tribal wars and incredible hardships. Small teams are often lead by Legion agents and advisors”

Twists, flamer 14
Rich & Tusharat the Goggles; Warrior Acolytes 8

Rh PDF Chimera APC (#1 pts:56)
multi laser, heavy flamer, smoke
amphibious, command vehicle

Stealth Team Cobra (count as henchmen warband #3 pts:15)

“Legion agents, Hand picked from Imperial military and enforcement organizations to create mobile, independent teams of expert marksmen and demolition experts.”

Karsten, Anselm, Meinhard, Warrior Acolytes with bolters

Razorback APC (#1 pts:51)
twin heavy bolter
searchlight, psybolt ammo
The Aegis, Psychic Pilot, Fortitude

Stealth Team Effrit (count as henchmen warband #3 pts:15)

“Legion agents, Hand picked from Imperial military and enforcement organizations to create mobile, independent teams of expert marksmen and demolition experts.”

Ralph, Kranj & Egran, Warrior Acolytes with blotters

Leonard Delel, Rogue Trader  & The Formicarius (count as henchmen warband #8 pts: 109)

“The Charter or Rogue Trading is one of the oldest and most powerful legal documents in the Imperium of Man. Rogue Traders are tasked to push the boundaries of imperial trade and produce to uncharted and at times extremely high-risk / high return territories. Leonard Delel is an examplery one, ambitious, cunning and seemingly with seven lives to spend. Delel’s special expertise is in Xenotech and he is currently subject to an Inquisitorial investigation.”

Delel and the formicarius, 5 Death cult assassins
Shortfuse, Warrior Acolyte meltabombs 9
Chronodaem Mystic 10
1 Crusader 15, power axe


“Sparrow” Gun Cutter  (#1 Storm Raven pts: 255)

“Attack craft capable of rapid and clandestine insertions of infantry are an important part of XX operations and the legion employs a wide range of different craft, often custom equipped for specific missions. One of them, call sign “Sparrow” is a formidable gunboat and the personal cutter of Von Lochov.”

Twin-linked multi-melta, twin-linked assault cannon, mind strike missiles, Hurricane bolters, Psybolt ammunition
assault vehicle, power of the machine spirit, fortitude,…


XVJ32U22” Imperial Minerals Skitari Cyclops, Mars Pattern (#1 rifleman dreadnought pts:136)

“The Legio Cybernetica is a treasured facet of the Mechanicum. Since the great Crusade it has played its role among the noblest Astartes Legion. The Cyclops are incredibly destructive and mission specific robotic shells housing advanced machine-spirits. Cybernetica tech-priests engineer organic-synthetic minds from biological components to work as the neural system of these automatons. Cyclops form the Alfa strike component of the Imperial Minerals’ fighting arm”

Twin-linked auto-missilepods, with flux-core rockets
smoke, searchlight
the aegis, preffered enemy, psychic pilot, reinforced aegis, fortitude

Master Alpharius”, 1st Dreadnought,  (#1 Dread Knight pts:260)

“Master Alpharius, a Dreadknight Pattern dreadnought with teleporting technologies unlike anything the Forges of Mars can manufacture today, is a relic of immense destructive power and a sage counsel to his chapter. From his legendary triumphs in flesh, through epic injuries, he has continued serve the chapter in death since the Heresy. ”

Heavy inferno cannon, Nemesis greatsword, personal teleporter
dreadknight armour, nemesis doomfists
Jump Monstrous creature
the aegis, ATSKNF, preffered enemy daemons, psyker, reinforced aegis, 
Dark Excommunication, Hammerhand

Master Omegon”, 2nd Dreadnought,  (#1 Dread Knight pts:160)

“Master Omegon, Legion dreadnought, Dreadknight pattern. ”

Heavy inferno cannon
dreadknight armour, nemesis doomfists
Jump Monstrous creature
the aegis, ATSKNF, preffered enemy daemons, psyker, reinforced aegis, 
Dark Excommunication, Hammerhand

or in short: 1749pts Pure Grey Knights

Coteaz 100

Xenos =I= (psyker, force sword, rad greandes, 3 servo skulls) 79

10 Purifiers (4 cannons, 2 halberds, hammer) 295
Rhino 40

10 Henchmen (6 bolters, 1 storm bolter, 3 plasma cannon servitors) 98
Chimera (two heavy bolters, smoke, light) 56

3 Henchmen (two acolytes, flamer acolyte) 22
Chimera (multi laser, heavy flamer, smoke, light) 56

3 Henchmen (bolters) 15
Razorback (HBs, psyammo, light) 51

3 Hechmen (bolters) 15

8 Henchmen (mystic, 5 death cultists, 1 crusader, acolyte with meltabombs) 109

Storm Raven (multimelta, assault cannons, hurricane bolters, psy ammo) 255

Dreadnought (twin autocannons, ammo) 136

Dreadknight (shunt, inferno, sword) 260

Dreadknight (inferno) 160

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Codex Inquisition to launch soon!

Exciting news for this blog.

Monday 4 November 2013

First 6th edition game - quick note: it was a blast!

It was an absolute blast and very educational. It took us 4 hours to get to midway turn three and we had to leave the game deliciously in balance. Pete was a great host and a brilliant guide to the changes in 6th ed.

And I wasn't getting tabled!

Many reasons to be happy. Finding good guys to play with, with great armies and total understanding of the spirit of the game. My army was a ton of fun to play with and I got some nice tweaking ahead and new units to make. Very much looking forward to more!

Should have some random pics for you later.

Thursday 31 October 2013

WIP Alpharius - Legion Epistolary

My most extensively converted true scale marine to date.This warrior mystic will be my count as Chief Librarian Tigurius for allied marine continent or possibly eventually a full Legion army using Codex Space Marines. I like how the B&W photos merge GS and plastic. Human WIPs for scale.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


Preparing for my first game with the army, first 6th edition game and first game of Warhammer 40000 in over two years this Sunday!

I will be going against a very experienced and active Tyranid player, who also appears to be a very nice chap with good contacts in the community here. To my pleasant surprise I've recently realized a bunch of very old skool Dakka Dakka members live in the Bay Area. People I've known online for a decade and people who regularly win big tournaments in the USA. So looking forward to trying not to get tabled as I figure things out.

For those of you whom I appear a pure modeling and painting geek, I can confirm I also used to be a gaming geek, with several 3rd place finishes in tournaments and 6th overall in the UK Grand Tournament finals (140 players) in 2004 I think. Just very rusty these day. After active 3rd and 4th editions, I only managed less than 10 games of 5th.

When I build armies I have a few things that drive the design, things that I like when playing the game.

  • I want to be active on each phase of the game (move, shoot, assault )
  • I'm interested in winning by dominating area and objectives rather than just killing stuff
  • I want to do well with lists that surprise people
  • I like force multiplier units and war gear and finding truly synergetic combos
  • I hate copy paste army lists
For reference my old UK GT army was Iron Warriors - but included three different close combat squads in rhinos, a pure close combat dreadnought!, Basilisk, Winged Daemon prince and no duplicate units. It was very different from the Obliterator and Defiler spam that was the complete norm for Iron Warriors.

So this is what I will be starting my come back and 6th edition with. The Storm Raven is the only unit that isn't equipped the way I like, waiting for the Inquisitorial gun cutter to be finished. That conversion will feature hurricane blotters, assault cannons and enough psybolt ammunition to drown a hive fleet. Until then my Vendetta conversion will be a stand in, as equipped. 

Let me know what you think, in particular if the point costs are wrong and expect an army report sometime next week.


XX Legion / Rhisienne, M42 
(total models #  total points: 1743 pts / 43 models )  


Lord Inquisitor Berthold Von Lochov, Cabal Emissary  (count as Inquisitor Coteaz #1 pts:100) 

“Berthold, the formidable off-spring of Terran Nobility cast aside as a child with fearsome psychic potential only to grow into a Lord Inquisitor of incredible magnetism, charisma and intellect, is perhaps the most dangerous man on Rhisienne. Von Lochov is a master strategist who’s worth is best measured in the deep respect he enjoys amongst the Astartes, but several forces beyond humanity hunt for his soul”

Articifier armour, bolt pistol, master-crafted nemesis thunder mace, frag / krak / psyk - grenades, imperial eagle
Independent character, I’ve been expecting you, Psyker (level 2), spy-network, stubborn.
dark excommunication, hammerhand, sanctuary or Divination-, Pyromancy-, Telekinesis-table 
“Ambassador of Rhisienne”


Legionnaires & operatives Jargassor and Ralf (count as purifier squad #10 pts: 295)

“When the God Emperor created his demigod generals and their Legions of super warriors he made them adaptable and all powerful, but he also designed each to perfect an aspect of warfare and to fulfill a unique role fitting to their Primarch’s character. The XX would be the Emperor’s Special Operations Forces, the most independent, secretive, clandestine, unorthodox and creative of all of his Legions.”

power armour, storm bolter, frag / krak / psyk - grenades
2 Falxes (Nemesis Halberds)
1 Nemesis Thunder Hammer
4 Psycannons
hammerhand, breath of the hydra
the aegis, brotherhood of the cabal, combat squads, fearless, preferred enemy (daemons) 

Fabricator Captain Siimon (count as techmarine #1 pts: 105)

“Magos and Skitari Commander of Imperial Mineralis”

articifier armour, bolter, digital harness, frag / krak / psyk / rad / psychotoroke - grenade system


Emerald Guard, Von Lochov House Militia (count as henchmen warband #7 pts:83)

“The private army of a Noble house with access to Inquisitorial equipment and training from the Astartes, Loyal to the core, experienced and stubbornly fearless.”

Karsten, Anselm, Meinhard: Warrior Acolytes with bolters 15
- Master Leopold, Warrior Acolyte with storm bolter 8
3 Emerald guard firesupport servitors, 3 plasmacannons 60

Rh PDF Chimera APC (#1 pts:56)
2 Heavy bolters, smoke
amphibious, command vehicle

Stealth Team Damask (count as henchmen warband #5 pts:46)

“Dune Twists are master pathfinders - outcasts whose mutant elders have roamed the great desert for centuries of tribal wars and incredible hardships. Small teams are often lead by Legion agents and advisors”

Twist, flamer 14
Twist, plasma gun 14
Rich & Tusharat the Goggles; Warrior Acolytes 8
Twist Shaman Mystic 10

Rh PDF Chimera APC (#1 pts:56)
2 heavy flamers, smoke
amphibious, command vehicle

Stealth Team Effrit (count as henchmen warband #3 pts:15)

“Legion agents, Hand picked from Imperial military and enforcment organisations to create mobile, independent teams of expert marksmen and demolition experts.”

Ralph, Kranj & Egran, Warrior Acolytes with bolters

Stealth Team Ceramit  (count as henchmen warband #3 pts:46)

“Legion agents, Hand picked from Imperial military and enforcment organisations to create mobile, independent teams of expert marksmen and demolition experts.”

Raging Bulldons, Warrior Acolytes with meltaguns 42
Sarge, Warrior Acolyte 4

Leonard Delel, Rogue Trader  & The Formicarius (count as henchmen warband #7 pts: 94)

“The Charter or Rogue Trading is one of the oldest and most powerful legal documents in the Imperium of Man. Rogue Traders are tasked to push the boundaries of imperial trade and produce to uncharted and at times extremely high-risk / high return territories. Leonard Delel is an examplery one, ambitious, cunning and seemingly with seven lives to spend. Delel’s special expertise is in Xenotech and he is currently subject to an Inquisitorial investigation.”

Delel and 4 of the formicarius, Death cult assassins
Shortfuse, Warrior Acolyte meltabombs 9
Chronodaem Mystic 10


Viper” Custom Raven  (#1 Storm Raven pts: 205)

“Attack craft capable of rapid and clandestine insertions of infantry are an important part of XX operations and the legion employs a wide range of different craft, often custom equipped for specific missions”

Twin-linked lascannons, twin-linked heavy bolters, mind strike missiles.
asault vehicle, power of the machine spirit, fortitude,…


XVJ32U22” Imperial Minerals Skitari Cyclops, Mars Pattern (#1 rifleman dreadnought pts:136)

“The Legio Cybernetica is a treasured facet of the Mechanicum. Since the great Crusade it has played its role among the noblest Astartes Legion. The Cyclops are incredibly destructive and mission specific robotic shells housing advanced machine-spirits. Cybernetica tech-priests engineer organic-synthetic minds from biological components to work as the neural system of these automatons. Cyclops form the Alfa strike component of the Imperial Minerals’ fighting arm”

Twin-linked auto-missilepods, with flux-core rockets
smoke, searchlight
the aegis, preffered enemy, psychic pilot, reinforced aegis, fortitude

The Blade of Laerna” Land Raider  (#1 Land Raider Redeemer pts:260)

“The Landraider is the single most destructive weapon in the Adeptus Astartes' arsenal. Protected by bonded ceramite and adamantium armour, the Landraider is impervious to all bar the most destructive weaponry. The Redeemer variant is equipped with the formidable Flamestrom cannons, capable of  burning down entire enemy formations.”

two flamestorm cannons, twin-linked assault cannon with flux-core ammo, multi-melta, frag assault launchers, smoke
 the aegis, psychic pilot, power of the machine spirit, assault vehicle, fortitude

Master Omegon”, 1st Dreadnought,  (#1 Dread Knight pts:260)

“Master Omegon, a Dreadknight Pattern dreadnought unlike anything the Forges of Mars can manufacture today, is a relic of immense destructive power and a sage counsel to his chapter. From his legendary triumphs in flesh, through epic injuries, he has continued serve the chapter in death since the Heresy. ”

Heavy inferno cannon, Nemesis greatsword, personal teleporter
dreadknight armour, nemesis doomfists
Jump Monstrous creature
the aegis, ATSKNF, preffered enemy daemons, psyker, reinforced aegis, 
Dark Excommunication, Hammerhand

Monday 21 October 2013

Holger, Master of Ordnance, Emerald Guard.

My second take of the brilliant Nurgle Lord, and first of three Plasma Cannon models for the retinue. The first one, Borsus of the Red Storme Riseth thrown in for reference and to show how different the Legion palette is.

I've promised more and better pictures of the various henchmen and what not, and once I have a few more finished I will do that.

Friday 11 October 2013

Skitarii Praetorian Centurions

I know I released the first of these to mixed reactions, but having just finished the squad ready for painting I am very excited about them. The right paint job that emphasizes their weight and the materials combined with the scale that goes missing with out reference is going to make this a great looking part of the Army that adds another important point in the range of scale in the force.

With out further ado:

“Praetorians are the absolute elite of  Skitarii (the official term for Mechanicus military forces), augmented with a sophisticated array of bionics and powered suits of armour. The Centurions are heavy battle suit originally built for the Astartes fire support roles, but modified versions were created for the Skitarii and have become the hammer of many Praetorian missions”

Monday 30 September 2013

DANGER :: Inquisitorial action imminent.

Oh dear,

Time may be right to start the final part of the trilogy.

Something happened this weekend - I got the idea for my third Inquisitor and POP, all of a sudden had the parts perfectly organized for him and the 4 henchmen. The most surreal modeling flow state where every idea was a very original mix of highly suitable concepts and themes. When ideas have been maturing in your head subconsciously for a long time, sometimes they rush out and it's thrilling. The model that started it was supposed to be something else...and is really not something that makes you think Inquisitor without modifications.

Well, lets see how it goes. My personal bar after Ugly and then Bad is VERY high for the Good and the most difficult concept to do justice to. I have a new and very different idea for the overall paint job too.


PS. I had decided it is time to revisit the Old Faithful Nurgle Lord. So I started building one and that impulse actually lead to the chain reaction above. Inquisitor Von Lochov just needs three plasma cannon "servitors". So this model has nothing to do with the trilogy - although I did entertain the idea - and then rejected it as each model across the trilogy really should be highly individual.

Hope you like the start of him. Plenty more work to do.

Friday 27 September 2013

Terrain and Forge World Wowsers

I recently had my birthday and my fantastic family remodeled our garage to have a nice little workspace for making bigger stuff and airbrushing. I also got myself an airbrush and a compressor. Unfortunately the compressor did not work out of the box, so I had to send it back.

While my childlike disappointment about not being able to try the new and long dreamed of aerial painting beast was profound, I did get into working on my Wall of Martyrs terrain set. And really enjoy the work GW is doing in the terrain space.

And then today I saw this in the Forge World newsletter:

And now I am massively excited about adding two new tiles to my recently finished realm of battle terrain board along with the Wall of Martyrs. The fort above and the entrenchment tile. Looks like the perfect vessels to practice the art of airbrushing too.

These should add up to a terrain set I am as happy with as the army. All I know need is some great chaps to play with. Too bad I can't import my old crew from Europe.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Henchmen recruits - Nearly ready with a group of five.

Nearly done with the latest Legion recruits,

Nothing spectacular - but have been thoroughly enjoying these. I now have a collection of nearly 20 henchmen to choose from, with more on the way. It's funny these are 5pts a piece game-play wise - in that context plenty of effort, love and care. 

Photos are in so so lighting with the 5S camera which is absolutely brilliant I must say.

Monday 23 September 2013

100th Post : Centurions for the 1st Century!

Much to my surprise, this is the 100th Legion of Plastic post. The blog has 240 followers and has seen 125 000 ish visitors over the two or so years. It's proved out to be a great outlet to share my thoughts and work in relative calm, away from the warp currents of the big forums. Hopefully the second century will help grow the blog into even more activity, while maintaining the spirit.

I though I should share something worthy of the century. So here is a WIP of a Mechanicus Skitari Battle Suit, based quite obviously on the Space Marine Centurions, as well as two pictures that nicely sum up what this blog is about. The BAD retinue that was the big result 2012 and now the Legion army that has and continue to define my hobby output for 2013. And obviously, I had to share the desk again - it ties everything together for me in the hobby physically, much as the blog does digitally.

I also wanted to specifically mention the Forge World Heresy series and the Primarch models. The latest one, Ferrus Manus continues the absolutely stunning work that really redefines heroic for the marine range. There is reason to be very very excited for when eventually they do Alpharius. Or two...

Thank you for your interest, comments and all the inspiring work you share in your own blogs and/or forums.


Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Adeptus Astartes

The Adeptus Astartes

I received my new Space Marines and Codex and cannot help, but share some thoughts before diving in to building stuff again. Amazing work from Games Workshop and brilliant bitz for Legion.

Therein lies the biggest mistake Games Workshop has ever done - the incorrect Architecture for the most central imagery in the game - the plastic Space Marine. When Jes Released the current road map with his 98 classics, the world was quick to embrace the models as pinnacle of GW capabilities and largely blind that what Dainton, Kopinski and Boyd soon started was not at all captured in miniature form. A few years later the hobby reacted and the first corrective actions started appearing. Then in 2006 or so came a second wave built on the Terminator kits, but GW has not had the heart to reset.

Today, looking at my Alpha Legionnaires, next to an excuse built from the box, I’m left worndering how fucking fantastic things could have been. Utterly fantastic. 

But lets put that aside. The new kits are some of the best GW has ever produced, marvelous advancement in sharpness and mold quality, range of options and iconography and fantastic source material for everyone working with Space Marines - be it insanity like “Art-scaling” or just building from the box.

The Sternguard kit is loaded with gorgeous options, the Centurions have a really surprising level of detail and selection and the single frame characters continue the strenght of that line, but offer quite a bit of more flexibility to kit bash than some of the Fantasy counterparts. I rate this release very highly. Almost up there with the Dark Eldar and Ork onslaughts of recent years.  

The Codex on a quick glance is a land mark piece, much like the 6th edition rule book. There isn’t much new Art, but a great collection of the classics remastered to this new digital age with color and some amazing new one offs for each of the main chapters. The background is very rich and laid out like a great foundation to create your own chapters and storylines and the miniature section is long and comprehensive.

I have to wonder how the Codex Chaos Space Marines can be so bad in light of all the other sixth edition books (Eldar, Tau, Necrons all brilliant) is beyond my understanding. Massively more so now the loyal Chapters have their land mark tome. If I would be in charge, I would immediately admit to this internally and reshuffle the que to create something equally spctacular for the Renegades. Because these two books truly define everythign else. 

All this new space marine goodness has really made me wonder if there is anyway I could do a small force of marines that were just built as is. Sadly no. But I still enjoy and thoroughly appreciate the new releases and it will be a joy to see so much richness to people's armies.

I might allow a small detour to my Legion work now that I have the army together. Something really nice to enjoy the gorgeous new plastic sets. Working on it already.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Friday 6 September 2013

PIP - new Alpharius

Fresh off the iPhone, these guys are 80% done. Freehand markings next, then more darkening and definition layers, weathering and finally base. What is left is the absolute bliss part of painting these.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Next steps for the Twentieth Legion.

It's a nice feeling. Army in the bag. Satisfied, yet eager to out do the existing stuff after learning so much through the process. Now that I have critical mass, I can also spend (even) more time on individual things and have quite the list of things in planning.

Big news

  • I now have a full, high quality airbrush set up - will be looking into integrating this new tool with out everything looking airbrushed (a look I personally hate)
  • I have learned to use different pigments, filters and other tricks, but yet to make them really sing
Specific units being built or specifically planned
  • Imperial Guard Vendetta, incorporating everything I learned with the vehicles + the airbrush
  • 3 marines 75% painted
  • 3 henchmen 75% built
  • Second Cyclops Automaton (the big mechanicus robots brother)
  • Want to get bag to building the Dune Twists war mammoth
  • Henchmen chimera
  • The big trench system terrain set.
More vague in schedule and scope, but definitely in the to do list
  • Full Imperial Guard infantry platoon, if and when GW finally releases a new plastic regiment - the longest over due addition to the game IMO
  • Eldar allied detachment. Wraith heavy - complimentary color scheme, but still in moonlight
  • Bane blade or similar


Monday 2 September 2013

Of the fabulous hydra it is said, cut off one head and two will grow in its place!

To do this - I need to go to the beginning - all the way. This post is part one of three reports of Legion reaching Army size. Second will be more musings, close ups on armor and three new Marines, and third my grand plan going forward. Before (or perhaps after) you dive into looking at the pictures, please grab your favorite Warhammer 40000 Codex, Rulebook or Art book. This should be the frame of reference as much as the other painted miniatures you see in the inter webs, or perhaps more so.

Thanks. And Sorry.

Founding (2009)

Of the fabulous hydra it is said, cut off one head and two will grow in its place” - antique proverb

Prelude - Ten Millenia of Memories

Rhisinne, great equatorial plains, two years after the Heresy.

The utter silence tuned into a screaming crescendo smoothly like a curtain unveiled before the act.  Fourteen Chimera Personnel carriers sat on the dry ground, their cargo perfectly lined up in front of them. The Stormbird touched down briefly. Clouded in dust it rose again and took away the crescendo. Silence. The dust settled and revealed five figures, two giants in  midnight plate, a Het of the Geno Chiliad, a robed man and a frail, incredibly elegant character. A sharp clasp sprung as 166 Elite Geno Guard snapped into attention with near inhuman precision behind the General Governor, Geno 4-4.

The fate of the system was decided between this conclave, with only the desert as the witness. No written or other document would ever reference this event. The true rule was established and the trials of  Vipera were initiated. “The Tacit” an elite military formation was born that day, but their history makes no  mention of their forming, and verbal account does not cumulate in a unit of mouthless men. 

41st Millenium

We are Legion (2008, the original story from Jade Vessel =I=munda campaign)

They needed to find him and find him they did. Didn’t feel that way now, did it. It was fething cold, the humidity of the earlier thunder rains was whisked around by the brisk sea wind flowing through the forgotten docklands. The full moon cast a pale, icy glare that froze the shadows of the stand off. 
There he was, in rugged civilian clothes, armed with a brace of pistols, Sgt. Jargassor, whom all needed to find - the least of their concerns now. 

The entire hunt team had their retinas transfixed on the massive being next to him. A dozen weapons of different make pointed at him for what little difference it made. Standing two and a half meters, a god of war, clad in a huge suit of armor the color of night, the giant stared back, immoveable like a statue, yet radiating explosiveness like an unstable flux core reactor. 

The wind turned only to punctuate the stalemate.

‘I am Alpharius, We are Legion‘ The giant announced in a distinctive, flowing, silky, yet authoritarian voice.

A Band of Brothers  (2009)

Rhisinne, great equatorial plains, 999.M41

Bone jarring grind engulfed the wadi, Wrath of Vulcan, a Storm Lord and two Baneblades: Steel Dancer and Equilibrium powered forward in triangle formation, followed by two companies of Leman Russ Vanquishers, tiny in comparison. The plain on both sides was a hell storm of fire and smoke, as the 2-2-1 Artillery blanketed the approach invisible. Forty-two Chimeras followed the main battle tanks into the wadi, carrying the 3-7 Renor Grenadiers.

In the huge border county hive, a squadron of Valkyrie screamed thorough perilous support beams and hab structures. On board squads of the Tacit sat in silence, meditating the battle plan. Each could feel the stream of data in their comm implants, as their rides banked from side to side to navigate the tight approach and avoid the intense flak. 

Sgt. Jurg of 3-7 double checked his watch, briefly revealing a hint of dark blue tattoo. A symbol bearing clear resemblance was also found on Colonel Rafs’ Chest, underneath the ballistic cloth that the Storm Lord crew wore to work. Comissar Grennel wore a signet ring with a snake around two crosses. Each and every one of the Tacit had a burn brand XX on their left pectoral muscle. Then there were the Stealth Cells, like Effrit, who wore much more developed and hidden brands.  All told, over a thousand man or women preparing for war, training and training were “Legion First”.

Rhisinne, Ultima Segementum  (following extract thought to be a current draft of Ordo Hereticus fact file: re: Rhisienne) (2009)

A bastion of Imperial might, Rhisinne, it’s twin guardian moons Vipera and Pythan and 3 satellite worlds Quntus (agri world), Renor (geo mineral world) and Falkh (Cardinal World) together form an empire  of indomitable attrition against the fury of Maelstorm and the countless Xeno foe in the eastern Fringe. The System is gaining respect and referenced with the Likes of Abdus Prima and Gelt, even Ultramar, in productivity and model of Imperial Creed. 

Rhisienne’s illustrious history draws close to the annals of the Heresy and it’s aftermath, but the founding of the mythical and elusive Blades of Laerna (Gene Seed unknown) chapter in M36 chartered an age of growth and strength in the region. In particular the pacification of Xenos hostilities in the region was profound. 

The Adeptus Terra allow for considerable leeway in the dealings of planetary governing bodies, when the tithes are met and regiments raised. Rhisienne has been exemplary on both accounts, but the behavior, and in particular refusal of the Blades of Laerna to fight together with other Chapters, has warranted two Inquisitorial investigations on their conduct and position of power within the system. No conclusive findings have been made, but nor has anyone been allowed on the twin moon bases of the chapter. Four different Inquisitorial Conclaves have argued the issue. The Chapter seems to have a veto of sorts within the inner chambers of Ordos Ultima Segementum.  Not so with the Astartes. Infuriated Captain Sicarius of the Ultramarines, normally the image of calm and tact, has reported his apparent disgust at a Blades of Lerna veteran, who outrageously introduced himself as _Heretic Name Scourged off records_, before disappearing without trace during recent operations against the upstart Tau Empire. This is but one of several shows of disrespect and bravado, or outright non co-operation. Some less taciturn chapters have threatened with open hostilities.

Rhisienne System can boast with two legendary Imperial Guard regiments, the Renor Grenadiers and the Elite Tacit. Furthermore the Rhisienne PDF is a top tier military formation, it’s Guard regiments in high demand across the sector and beyond. 

The system is a very model of Imperial values and strength, determined and resourceful. 

The VI Edition (2012)

A matrimony of flesh and engine, a one in a million mechanicum body for a uniquely gifted sentient gasped violently. Like a diver bursting from depths for that first animalistic inhale. The noosphere sifted, fluid, organic, but binary.  The sift caused a flurry of responses, the system sensing its new gift, feeling its tremendous potential. 

That gasp echoed in eternity. A thousand sinister and sadistic beings reacted with what would be best described as surprise. But that surprise was followed by feelings that would savage planets and devour populations. 

The test flight was a success. 

It was monitored by several cloaked Pegasus Surveillance kites, and other less impossible craft, all connected to the noosphere. The mechanical man in his ballistic grave trailing cables as thick as an Astartes thigh would have smiled had he not lost that ability aeons ago. 

That was not the only smile on the bridge of a massive displacement of nothing in high anchor over Ragoos. If someone had the means to reveal its nature and decipher its name, it was called Gamma, a hugely powerful subsystem. Two gigantic Astartes Captains shared a grin before addressing the others. It was quite the ensemble. So unorthodox and specialized that only the 20th Legion could muster and master such. 

When the God Emperor created his demigod generals and their Legions of super warriors he made them adaptable and all powerful, but he also designed each to perfect an aspect of warfare and to fulfill a unique role and character. The Imperial Fists would build his forts and surrender no ground,  led by Dorn genius of war architecture. Perturabo and his Iron Warriors would be his siege lords, assault destroyers without peer, able to crack open any defense. Leman Russ was the Emperor’s executioner. His loyal wolf pack that would hunt down everyone and anyone who needed to die.

When the Emperor had carefully considered all aspects of military strategy and tactics, theoretical and practical, he had one role left for insurance. The Rogue Agent, The XX. They would be the Emperor’s Special Operations Forces, full-filling the final gap in the perfect army. The most physically fit, independent, secretive, clandestine, unorthodox and creative of all of his Legions. 

What was set in motion in the Rhisienne system exemplified all of those qualities. The Emperor’s design was flawless. 


It all started 20 years ago. A young kid found the mysterious world of 40k through Space Crusade and then 2nd Edition.

Playing the game with other kids my age, I was naturally the most able with technique, but one of the kids was really doing his own thing. While all the others were admiring the freehand flames on my Dark Angel Captain’s cape, I was in awe of these bright green, loosely painted marines mixing parts from RT era and other model kits and doing the unexpected. 

By the 3rd Edition, I had left and come back, and got hooked so I would not leave again. I also once more met a friend with ability to produce such genius originality that that it made me reconsider all of my own work.

Stupendous amounts of hard fun and work later - a fun Necromunda campaign with solemnly Inquisitorial twist changed things for me. We called it =I=munda.

During the campaign and reading the Legion book, I just had to try portraying GW art and Legion the book, in a single concept Marine. Painted for impact not technical perfection. Something I had been searching since the start of the hobby. I finally found the space where I like the work I produce and it resonates originality and freedom in my own possibly biased opinion. Despite the growing up business, the hobby remains an unrestricted canvas were I can just have fun, explore and enjoy, without the pressures and budgets of real world. 

What I remember very fondly from second edition was the mix and match of imperial allies. Marines and guard standing side by side. So the allies rules have obviously been the best news with the new edition. The first Leman Russ demolisher kit was just released when I got in the hobby, so that will also feature... But more importantly, the second edition has had a seminal role in inspiring this project.

Having first nailed the marine in a way that presents the legion character and the Astartes physique “correctly”, I was happy to find away with the humble Imperial Guardsman. A regiment that would typify some of the crazyness of 40k in comparison to modern military. The original plan for IG was to be:

  1. a mass canvas bringing out the marines and esoteric agents
  2. good on their own
  3. fit in with the existing palette
  4. not be too drab and sink in terrain totally like my previous guard.

The army is now at gaming strength, aiming for tournament strength, and after the latest forays to the gorgeous new Dark Vengeance boxed set, and the Dread Knight Venerable Dreadnought, the plan is simple. Find the stamina to do Guard in numbers, and ignite the forge world to produce tanks!

I do have one sincere ask for GW. A new plastic guard regiment or two, please. Those are looooong over due.

Stay tuned.