Monday 23 September 2013

100th Post : Centurions for the 1st Century!

Much to my surprise, this is the 100th Legion of Plastic post. The blog has 240 followers and has seen 125 000 ish visitors over the two or so years. It's proved out to be a great outlet to share my thoughts and work in relative calm, away from the warp currents of the big forums. Hopefully the second century will help grow the blog into even more activity, while maintaining the spirit.

I though I should share something worthy of the century. So here is a WIP of a Mechanicus Skitari Battle Suit, based quite obviously on the Space Marine Centurions, as well as two pictures that nicely sum up what this blog is about. The BAD retinue that was the big result 2012 and now the Legion army that has and continue to define my hobby output for 2013. And obviously, I had to share the desk again - it ties everything together for me in the hobby physically, much as the blog does digitally.

I also wanted to specifically mention the Forge World Heresy series and the Primarch models. The latest one, Ferrus Manus continues the absolutely stunning work that really redefines heroic for the marine range. There is reason to be very very excited for when eventually they do Alpharius. Or two...

Thank you for your interest, comments and all the inspiring work you share in your own blogs and/or forums.



  1. Congrats on the 100 posts, it really is a great blog!

    However being honest I was really looking forward to see what you would do to a centurion to make it look good and it has kind of disappointed. . I'm sure you have seen the awesome artwork and there are some pretty good looking conversions already out there spacing the model better. I'm sure it will look awesome painted but I think looking at what you can do to the humble marine that you could go much further with the centurion.

    1. That's ok. Someone is always disappointed next to the expectations. I have a nice plan for paint and will see if the finished piece will end up working nicely with the Cyclops and Fabricator captain before deciding how many more I will do :)

  2. I love it, exposed joints, single fist only, and more prominent torso give it a mini-dreadnought feel without all the extra guff that makes them very hippo like. The additional claw loader for the missiles is a great touch. Can't wait to see it painted.

    1. Thanks man. You describe my goal very well. Paint should really reinforce the message. Lets see how it goes. I have some more henchmen in the works as well as a Razorback to build. Not sure of the order, and don't really care as long as I stay productive. ...Now I need a tournament as a goal, and then to start on some crazy display board.

  3. Seriously digging the Centurion conversion good job with that thing. I want to see the hooded face a little closer, can't wait to see it painted!

  4. The Centurion conversion looks great. Will you include any cog tooth trim or stepped armour? (The latter, similar to the greaves/legs on techmarines, for eg.)

    1. Intend to paint and transfer AMech detail, but really do like the stepped armor idea! Wish I had more time.

  5. congrats - 100 - nearly as old as me then - a man who is neater than me desk wise anyways but as you can imagine i get paint everywhere ..... look forward to the next 100 .....

    1. Hah! Thanks JB - I bet your missed paint turns into works of art too. Really loved your most recent group of models.

  6. Great work, your army is really unique, a word sometimes tossed around too freely.

    And your desk is really lovely!

    1. Thank you. Great point about word unique. And indeed a key goal for this project.
