Thursday 14 November 2013

Sons of Mars

Fabricator Captain Siimon has received reinforcements from Mars as Rhisienne prepares for war and destiny!

“Praetorians are the absolute elite of  Skitarii (the official term for Mechanicus military forces), augmented with a sophisticated array of bionics and powered suits of armour. The Centurions are heavy battle suit originally built for the Astartes fire support roles, but modified versions were created for the Skitarii and have become the hammer of many Praetorian missions”

“The Legio Cybernetica is a treasured facet of the Mechanicum. Since the great Crusade it has played its role among the noblest Astartes Legion. The Cyclops are incredibly destructive and mission specific robotic shells housing advanced machine-spirits. Cybernetica tech-priests engineer organic-synthetic minds from biological components to work as the neural system of these automatons. Cyclops form the Alfa strike component of the Imperial Minerals’ fighting arm”


  1. Wow, you were able to make one of the years most laughable kits into fantastic characterful models. The hoods you added really make the models I think, along with the dusty red and dull caution stripes.

    The hoods (for two of them) are from the plastic Deathwing right? By carving out the faces and just adding the rebreathers, you impart an aire of mystery to the models that really makes them stand out. I came a similar conclusion when working on a DW command squad. I wanted to convey the grim esoteric nature of the highest circles in the Dark Angels, the facelessness, the fear, and mistrust. And realized that the hoods they had with the kit lost most of these elements since the faces in the hoods were so prominent. So I too carved out the faces and think the models are that much more sinister (Here is a link to them if you are interested:

    It is always inspiring to see your creative vision of the 41st millennium! Keep up the excellent work.

    1. Thanks mate! And thanks for linking to your blog. I favorited it immediately.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. While I would keep doing the models for my own sake even in a vacuum, getting the feedback is a great motivator to sharing and spending time on the blog. So thanks!
