Last week I visited London for the first time since moving to US, and what an amazingly inspirational and rewarding trip it was.
There were several highlights, but on the hobby front it was meeting up with these two venerable gentleman. One of whom you might recognize.
We all brought some friends too, and there was one rare display of plastic miniatures on table:
Food was good and properly English too.
And the settings fitting to the world of 40k.
It was obviously a bit special to meet John, the man who has been instrumental in crafting the most amazing hobby universe that has given me years of fun and inspiration and indirectly made me develop skills and eye needed to make me good at what I do for a living.
Mostly to say thank you. Thank you for the incredible work!
Peter is a great guy and a very very talented modeler. One of the very rare few who inspire me. The world is full of great talented and amazing miniature artists, but very few true hobby artists. Those who's work, vision and attitude embraces the wider hobby and drives the imagery to new heights with plastic. Continuously.
Real Artists ship. (- Steve Jobs)
John's the best possible example.
What a treat.