Thursday, 9 October 2014

Friends, inspiration and the internet.

It's safe to say that as a miniature artist and a hobbyists the internet made me. That's how I originally got on a track of enjoyment, learning and drive with a few like minded individuals. Starting from the DakkaDakka forums in 2000. That is a LOOOONG time a go.

And the hobby has come a long way since. I've come a long way since. But today, a small group of friends, sharing stuff in the inter webs is as relevant as ever and ultimately a massively important part of enjoying the hobby, being inspired and keeping this blog.

To that effect, I got a box of goodies from the league of extraordinary hobbyists yesterday, that I need to put to great use and earlier this week JB shared his gorgeous version of Horus finished:

Needless to say, with this momentum, I cannot wait to share some WIP shots of what's cooking in the garage. Jarl Rödmoon is pretty kosher compared to things to come. I've always loved Space Wolves armies for feeling like war bands of heroes and the vision is to do the band of all bands in this subject matter.


  1. I saw this on INQ28 forums....Unreal work! JB can do no wrong!

  2. Wonderful work from the master yet again :)

  3. Agreed, the sharing of images miniatures and thoughts on miniatures is a big part of the hobby. It can be a way of both generating and giving inspiration. Keeping momentum, I usually call it.

    1. Keeping momentum is a good way to describe it. :)

  4. I'm glad your gift arrived safely; enjoy!

    1. Thanks so much. Already working on an Iron Priest with some of those bits!

  5. Ah yes Jakob that's it in a nut shell - thanks for posting mr migs ....
